So let’s make a Basic Module with your buddy Mage2gen! Stop writing code and start generating!
According to the Magento Docs a basic module contains:
- etc/module.xml
- registration.php
But as we all know with code comes documentation so when you generate a Basic Module with Mage2gen it already contains a
Besides that in most cases you want to distribute your code through or a private repo to do so a composer.json is required so this one is added for you containing you as author when you are logged in!
Generate your first module in 3 steps
- Go to
- Fill in your Vendor name (for example: Mage2gen)
- Fill in your Module name (for example: Example)
That’s it you have the base of your module!
Now you can preview the code in your browser by clicking a file in the Preview Magento 2 module section on the right hand side.